Preparing for the Festival

Equipment requirements


Participants: The team consists of three persons, pupils of grades 7-11 of secondary schools and first-year students of secondary vocational education.
Participants will be offered tasks that require knowledge of electronics, design and programming. Participants will need the ability to handle measuring instruments and devices (rulers, calipers, multimeter, oscilloscope), skills in working with a 3D printer and software: Compass 3D, Autodesk Fusion, Arduino IDE, Visual Studio. The main directions of the Olympiad are:

  • 3D modelling, design and 3D printing;
  • Electronics, electrical engineering, soldering of radio elements;
  • Programming and development of algorithms.


It is planned to hold competitions of wheeled robots and unmanned aerial vehicles assembled both on the basis of well-known robotic kits and having original designs on this site.


  • (LL) LEGO League: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from LEGO constructors. Robot dimensions should be no more than 250x250x250mm, weight should be no more than 1 kg.
    Participants: : Pupils of grades 5-9 of secondary schools, institutions of additional education.
  • (L1) League 1: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from original parts of their own making or constructors (except LEGO or its analogues). Robot dimensions should be no more than 180x180x180 mm, weight should be no more than 1 kg.
    Participants: : Pupils in grades 7-11 of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education.
  • (L2) League 2: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from original parts of their own making or constructors (except LEGO or its analogues). Robot dimensions should be no more than 300x300x300mm, weight should be no more than 2 kg.
    Participants: Pupils of 9-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.
  • (L5) League 5: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from original parts of their own manufacture or constructors (except LEGO or its analogues). Robot dimensions should be no more than 350x350x350mm, weight should be no more than 5 kg.
    Participants: Pupils of 9-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.
  • (FS) Robots figure skating: Programming of mobile robots to move along curvilinear trajectories, performing complex maneuvers for time. Time and accuracy of trajectory execution with errors of 1mm and 0.1s, respectively, are evaluated. Trajectories are set in parametric or analytical form. It is allowed to use robots that meet the requirements of LL, L1 – L5 robots league.
    Participants: Pupils of 5-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.


Participants: Pupils of 7-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.

  • (DM) Drone Racing Mini: Piloting UAV on a track with obstacles. The distance between diagonally located motors is no more than 180 mm. Control of the drone is remote.
  • (D) Drone Racing: Piloting of UAV on an obstacle course. Distance between diagonally located motors from 180 to 400 mm. Control of the drone is remote.
  • (A) Autonomous flight: Programming of UAV equipped with sensors for color marker recognition and autonomous piloting. A drone operating in autonomous mode with a video image recognition system installed must “capture” the maximum number of color markers placed in a certain way within a limited area. The number of “captured” markers and the time are taken into account. The distance between the diagonally placed motors is up to 400 mm. The weight should be no more than 2 kg.

Tutorial videos

Hello! We are starting a series of video tutorials that will help you get ready to participate in the Kalashnikov TechnoFest robotics festival. We will examine in detail the basic things related to programming microcontrollers in Arduino IDE, designing 3D models of various parts. We will review the basics of working with a 3D printer and laser cutting machine. We will pay attention to the peculiarities related to each direction of the festival – mobile robots and drones competitions and Polytechnic Olympiad.

  • Lesson 1. Basics of circuitry

    The video discusses the concept of electric current, its main parameters: voltage, resistance, amperage; the relationship of these parameters through Ohm’s law. Next, the main elements that can be found on the electrical circuit are analyzed: resistors, capacitors, diodes, LEDs, connectors, microcircuits. It shows how to read electrical circuits and what the electrical circuit and the device board have in common. At the end of the video, the main points of working with a laboratory power supply and a multimeter are shown.

  • Lesson 2. Basics of soldering and radio component assembling

    This video shows examples of how to solder a resistor to an SMD board, a PLS connector. And also how to solder the connector to the wire.

  • Lesson 3.1. Basics of 3D modeling and design

    This video tutorial shows the basics of working with 3D elements in Kompas-3D. The example shows how 3D models of the parts needed to assemble a mobile robot are created. In the process of creating models, work with sketches, extrusion, cutting and rotation elements are considered.

  • Lesson 3.2. Assembly in Kompas3D

    This video tutorial shows how to work with assembly units in Kompas-3D.

  • Lesson 4. Basics of working with a 3D printer and a laser cutting machine

    This video tutorial shows how to prepare 3D models for printing on a 3D printer or for a laser cutting machine. The process of saving the model in the STL format is considered. The work with the STL model in specialized 3D printer software is shown, the main printing parameters are analyzed. The example shows how to create a sketch for a laser cutting machine.

  • Lesson 5. Microcontroller programming

    This video tutorial shows how to work with the ESP32 microcontroller, how to program it in the Arduino IDE environment, what capabilities it has and what are the differences in programming compared to Arduino boards. It is understood what a PWM signal is, as well as how to work with the Bluetooth hardware module on ESP 32.
    Alex Guyver’s website:
    Website with Arduino lessons: робототехника
    Link for the board manager:

  • Lesson 6. Robot sensors

    This video tutorial discusses the main sensors that can be used on a mobile robot for autonomous movement. Ultrasonic and laser distance sensors, contrast strip sensor, angular displacement sensors – encoders are considered.

  • Lesson 7. From the design to the control algorithm of mobile robot

    In this video tutorial, some points on the assembly and programming of mobile robots are analyzed: installation of sensors, control of DC motors. Programs are presented for turning the robot around its axis at a given angle, as well as moving in a straight line for a given distance.

  • Lesson 8. Remote control of robots

    This video tutorial shows how to remotely control a mobile robot using a phone. Ready-made management applications are considered, and it is also shown how to create your own application using MIT App Inventor.
    Description of the Dabble application:
    Bluetooth RC Car on Google Play:
    MIT App Inventor:

  • Lesson 9. Algorithms for autonomous robot motion

    This video tutorial shows examples of working with sensors installed on a mobile robot; it shows how to use them for autonomous movement. Contrast strip sensors and an example of how not to go beyond the boundaries of the polygon are considered. Based on the distance sensor, an algorithm for searching for an enemy is shown, which can be used in mobile robot battles. It also shows how distance sensors can be used to navigate the maze.

  • Lesson 10. Figure skating

    This video tutorial shows how to make a mobile robot move precisely along a given trajectory. A method for calculating the control actions for the movement of the robot along the trajectory is presented.
    Video tutorial about the PID controller:

  • Lesson 11. Quadcopter assembly and tuning

    In this video tutorial, an example shows how to assemble and configure the COEX Clover 4 quadcopter for the first flight.
    Assembly Instructions:

  • Lesson 12. Setting up a raspberry pi for quadcopter

    This video tutorial shows how to configure Raspberry Pi for further connection and operation on the quadrocopter COEX Clover 4.

  • Lesson 13. Preparing for autonomous flight

    This video tutorial describes the connection of the camera and the processing of data from it on the Raspberry Pi, describes the procedure for calibrating the camera. An example of working with the OpenCV library for recognizing circles in an image is shown.

  • Electronics workshop for the Polytechnic Olympiad

  • Programming workshop for polytechnic olympiad

  • Demonstration of a polygon for mobile robots and an example of the operation of a program developed for a Lego robot

  • Example of mobile robot’s movement within the figure skating competitions

  • Preparation of the track for unmanned aerial vehicles (uav) competitions