Welcome to “Kalashnikov-Technofest”

We would like to invite you to the Third International Open Scientific and Technical Festival of Robotics “Kalashnikov-Technofest”. The festival will be held in Izhevsk at several places: Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Private Educational Institute of Additional Education “Kalashnikov Academy” and Udmurt State University.

The following events are planned to be held within the framework of the festival:


Participants: The team consists of three persons, pupils of grades 7-11 of secondary schools and first-year students of secondary vocational education.
Participants will be offered tasks that require knowledge of electronics, design and programming. Participants will need the ability to handle measuring instruments and devices (rulers, calipers, multimeter, oscilloscope), skills in working with a 3D printer and software: Compass 3D, Autodesk Fusion, Arduino IDE, Visual Studio. The main directions of the Olympiad are:

  • 3D modelling, design and 3D printing;
  • Electronics, electrical engineering, soldering of radio elements;
  • Programming and development of algorithms.


It is planned to hold competitions of wheeled robots and unmanned aerial vehicles assembled both on the basis of well-known robotic kits and having original designs on this site.


  • (LL) LEGO League: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from LEGO constructors. Robot dimensions should be no more than 250x250x250mm, weight should be no more than 1 kg.
    Participants: : Pupils of grades 5-9 of secondary schools, institutions of additional education.
  • (L2) League 2: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from original parts of their own making or constructors (except LEGO or its analogues). Robot dimensions should be no more than 300x300x300mm, weight should be no more than 2 kg.
    Participants: Pupils of 7-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.
  • (L5) League 5: Fights of remotely and autonomously controlled mobile robots assembled from original parts of their own manufacture or constructors (except LEGO or its analogues). Robot dimensions should be no more than 350x350x350mm, weight should be no more than 5 kg.
    Participants: Pupils of 7-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.
  • (FS) Robots figure skating: Programming of mobile robots to move along curvilinear trajectories, performing complex maneuvers for time. Time and accuracy of trajectory execution with errors of 1mm and 0.1s, respectively, are evaluated. Trajectories are set in parametric or analytical form. It is allowed to use robots that meet the requirements of LL, L1 – L5 robots league.
    Participants: Pupils of 5-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.

Participants: Pupils of 7-11 grades of secondary schools, institutions of additional, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, enterprises teams.

  • (DM) Drone Racing Mini: Piloting UAV on a track with obstacles. The distance between diagonally located motors is no more than 180 mm. Control of the drone is remote.
  • (D) Drone Racing: Piloting of UAV on an obstacle course. Distance between diagonally located motors from 180 to 400 mm. Control of the drone is remote.
  • (A) Autonomous flight: Programming of UAV equipped with sensors for color marker recognition and autonomous piloting. A drone operating in autonomous mode with a video image recognition system installed must “capture” the maximum number of color markers placed in a certain way within a limited area. The number of “captured” markers and the time are taken into account. The distance between the diagonally placed motors is up to 400 mm. The weight should be no more than 2 kg.

The festival is organized and conducted by the Consortium of Organizers of the annual international open science and technology robotics festival Kalashnikov-Technofest, including Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Udmurt State University, Kalashnikov Academy, IdealTechno, Ltd. The coordinator of the consortium is Izhevsk Institute for Computer Research.

